Friday, May 27, 2016

Worldwide chess pieces are as a rule unfavorably

history channel documentary 2015 The clock is ticking. Worldwide chess pieces are as a rule unfavorably, clandestinely, noxiously moved into spot. The assault is on our flexibility, and for some, on our exceptionally lives! It is in it's last developmental stages. A centuries old battle is attracting to a nearby! The mystery social orders, our reality pioneers ( the Illuminati, The Jesuits, yes even the Catholic Church) have been wanting to assault and plunder the world for a considerable length of time.

The New World Order drove by Satan's pawns, camouflaged as a monetary social rebuilding is only a gambit. This, no doubt about it, is a profound fight! It's amongst God and his foe Satan-Lucifer. It's a fight for your spirit and in addition all inclusive strength.

The men assuming the key parts, in return for common products, thriving, and control, have swore their constancy to the banner of Lucifer, the fallen heavenly attendant. They will take away your entitlement to possess private property, your entitlement to venerate uninhibitedly your preferred religion or God, the privilege of the right to speak freely, the privilege to move about openly without being followed. Indeed, even the privilege to live incredible you pick will be usurped.

The world will be partitioned into ten locales with seven heads of state. Coinage as we probably am aware them will be nullified and supplanted with others. (The dollar will be traded by the Amero for North America-Canada, U.S., and Mexico, as of now in print for instance.) Eventually all cash will be substituted by small scale chips and code bars embedded into one's body on your temple or right wrist. This is no joke, it's genuine!

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