Friday, May 27, 2016

John D. Rockefeller (Illuminati) wrote in a letter to the leaders of the media

history channel documentary 2015 John D. Rockefeller (Illuminati) wrote in a letter to the leaders of the media (...without you none of our arrangements would succeed...) The media just lets us know what these intense figures need us to know, they keep a considerable lot of us thoroughly oblivious in regards to what's truly going ahead in the background. As Thomas Jefferson composed "these men in the shadows are our greatest peril."

In the event that I can stir even a couple, I will have done my obligation. In the event that I can edify numerous, my spirit will celebrate. On the off chance that you have ears to tune in, HEAR. Make Jesus your Lord, no one but he can spare you, and live in joy realizing that despite every one of these things that will happen, all the malevolent moves executed on the chess leading body of the globe, you will escape and live everlastingly in heaven with him and his family! Not the spot held for his adversaries or for the individuals who decline to side up with our Creator and Father who profoundly cherishes all of us. "For God so cherished the world he gave his lone generated Son so that whosoever believeth on him won't die."

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