Monday, May 30, 2016

Presently inside that announcement we can incorporate The English Civil War

history channel documentary science Presently inside that announcement we can incorporate The English Civil War; The French Revolution; The British Wars with France and The USA in 1812; The American Civil War; The Crimean War; World War 1; The Russian Bolshevik Revolution; In 1919 the planned production of a domain of great hardship in Germany that conveyed Hitler to control; (supposedly a British resource prepped by the Tavistock Institute soon after WW1). The precise disassembling and devastation of The British Empire; World War 2; The Cold War; The Korean War; Vietnam; The end of white tenet in Africa; The Gulf War; the current legendary War on Terror; the soon coming Bolshevik Marxist New World Order - One World Government out of the disorder they are as of now creating intentionally. Look people, we have to comprehend that President Roosevelt's words cover all the above occasions and when I say all I mean all, even the bad form of the occasions at Pearl Harbor in 1941 when President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill both thought about Japan's assault well before the occasion. This is the truth, the truth that they were all organized and arranged occasions by effective affluent men in haziness or were the activities of sinister men including profound underhandedness in high places. Every one of these occasions made the schemers and culprits extremely well off in fact as they generally sponsored and financed both sides.

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