Friday, May 27, 2016

Apparently the downright debasements

history channel documentary hd Apparently the downright debasements of 'Prophetic Hebrew words' have devitalized centuries old Prophetic convention to such degree that Christian educational seems now as though completely insensible of the fundamental creational parts of God! In this way they kept on anticipating Satan as a fallen Angel, and his tribes as Angels (Rev, 12:29) or 'children of God' who used to wed little girls of men (Gen, 6:2-7) and so forth. God reminded in Islam: (I) Angels are made at first from light at the same time who don't recreate (like Jinns and people), they are emissaries of God who never sin, they are free from thirst and hunger, and don't develop or create by means of maturing procedure; (II) Jinns, divine or earth bound, are made from flame before people, appreciate a time of flexibility upon earth, and repeat and have thirst and appetite like men; Jinns are of three sorts: flying, positioned in one zone, and creatures like crawling and pooches and so forth; and without a doubt God made human-like structures among the Jinn kind (rijaalim-minal-Jinni, Q,72:6), that is the reason God allowed Jinn race to impart riches and youngsters to Adamites (Q, 17: 64). God obviously said the name of Satan as "Iblis" who is from Jinn tribe (Q, 18: 50). In any case, Bible's base of defilement dives so deep that from Josephus (Antiquities 1.73) or the writers of Jubilees and present Biblical works kept comparing alleged "children of God" with the Angels, even in a sexual connection. As respect such irreverent expressions in Bible, William Henry Green cited (in Birney, p. 45): "the entire origination of sexual life, as associated with God or Angels, is completely remote to Hebrew thought". In Bible (Mat, 22:30) demonstrates that Angels don't wed.

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