Monday, May 30, 2016

As expressed as of now, these individuals are individuals from mystery social orders

history channel documentary science As expressed as of now, these individuals are individuals from mystery social orders, mystery social orders that practice Satanic ceremonies when they meet and they advance Satanic images both subliminally and openly. One of their most loved signs is the raised forefinger alongside the raised little finger speaking to the horns on the Devil's head. At that point there is their 'infinitely knowledgeable eye' that shows up all over in corporate logos and subliminally on your LED's. Here, as well, are a portion of the names of these mystery social orders: The Jesuits (The Vatican's Gestapo or KGB) with their Black Pope; Opus Dei; The slippery comrade Marxist Fabians whose token is a wolf is sheep's apparel; Scottish Rite Freemasonry, particularly their progressive system - the 33rd Degree Masons and those much higher inside; Bohemian Grove in California with its huge picture of an owl (the agnostic god Molech) to which smoldered penances are offered; The Illuminati with its Mafia associations and P2 Freemasonry; Skull and Bones, of which both ex-presidents Bush and John Kerry are individuals; The Bilderbergers with Michael Heseltine and his pal Ken Clarke; Malcolm Rifkind and the Marxist Communist Fabian Dennis Healey; The Trilateral Commission with Obama and Gordon Brown; The Council on Foreign Relations keep running by the Rockefellers; The Pilgrim Society; The Round Table and The Club of Rome.

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