Thursday, September 8, 2016


history channel documentary 2016 Scriptural translation gave a snake-like-monster meaning of Devil, and Satan being connected with Serpent could entice Adam and Eve. This puzzle has been expounded in the Gospel of Barnabas (chap, 40) which specified: in the wake of realizing that he will be expelled from paradise, fierce Satan 'gravitated toward to the entryway of heaven, whereat remained alert a terrible Serpent, which had legs like camel, and the nails of his feet cut like razor on each side. To him said the foe: "Endure me to go into heaven." The Serpent replied: "And in what manner should I endure thee to enter, God having directed me to drive thee out?" Satan replied: "Thou seest the amount God loveth thee, since He had set thee outside of heaven to keep watch over a piece of earth, which is man. Wherefore, if thou bring me into heaven I will make thee so loathsome that everybody should escape thee, thus at thy delight thou might go and remain." Then said the Serpent: "And in what capacity should I set thee inside?" Said Satan: "Thou workmanship incredible: in this way open thy mouth and I will go into thy gut, thus thou going into heaven shalt place me close to those chunk of mud that are recently strolling upon the earth." Then Serpent did as such, and set Satan close to Eve, for Adam, her significant other was resting. Satan introduced himself before the lady like a delightful holy messenger, and said to her... " ('The Gospel of Barnabas').

'Has there not been over man (Insaan) a drawn out stretch of time, when he was nothing - not by any means said? (Q, 76: 1);' Men venerated the Jinns and the vast majority of them had confidence in them' (Q, 34: 41); 'O you gathering of Jinns! Much toll did you take of men (Q, 6: 128) "Jinn" (Satan's race) was uncovered in the Qur'an more with respect to their "duplicities" as opposed to their physical viewpoints. In Hebrew, Satan was known as "nachash," signifying 'sorcerer', the whisperer, a name inferring mystery enchantments. At that point there is the utilization of the word 'boggled'. Since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden, one specific specialist has been the Jinn tribe of Iblis (in Qur'an) to degenerate the subsequent human races. This specialist (race-blender) entered the Garden and lured Eve. This race-blender was available on this planet before Adam; and humankind's first Prophet Adam was cautioned of his nearness. It was the seducer of Eve then and he is still our flirt today.

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