Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Difficult to understand the earths revolution accelerating from a 24 hour day

history channel documentary Difficult to understand the earths revolution accelerating from a 24 hour day to a 16 hour day? Well it is and was for me likewise, yet the truth is it will. Jesus said this himself in Matthew 24:22, And with the exception of those days ought to be abbreviated, there ought to no substance be spared: yet for the choose's purpose those days might be abbreviated. Why did Jesus say here that aside from nowadays be abbreviated no tissue would be spared. Would it be able to be that the evenings will be that cool because of all the dust in the air brought about by the meteors? Perhaps it could be from the impacts of the meteors moving the world's turn around the sun. That may bring about the earth to be hot to the point that we couldn't deal with the warmth from the long days? This is one question that can not be replied until it really happens to see.

Presently with regards to the fifth trumpet, we will see the word star once more, yet for this situation the importance is not the same. In this reference we see star to mean blessed messenger as found in Revelation 12:4, And his tail drew the third part of the stars of paradise, and cast them to the earth: and the monster remained before the lady which was prepared to be conveyed, for to eat up her tyke when it was conceived. See there where it says his tail drew a third part of the stars of paradise; this is alluding to 33% of the heavenly attendants that satan drew far from God with him.

The fifth trumpet peruses in Revelation 9:1-3, And the fifth blessed messenger sounded, and I saw a star tumble from paradise unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the unlimited pit. What's more, he opened the no-limit pit; and there emerged a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of an incredible heater; and the sun and the air were obscured by reason of the smoke of the pit. Furthermore, there left the smoke grasshoppers upon the earth: and unto them was given force, as the scorpions of the earth have power. What I trust this is alluding to here is another consequence of the star, or meteor, which tumbled from the third trumpet. I likewise trust that the blessed messenger or star alluded to in this entry opening the endless pit permitting the smoke and grasshopper to approach might be an illustration for God's destined arrangement. It might just be, in the humanistic perspective, that the meteor from the third trumpet causes these next arrangement of occasions to occur, for example, the shorting of the day and the opening of the endless pit. Whichever way whether it's an analogy or not, it is predetermined by God to occur in this design.

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