Thursday, September 8, 2016

I. A test into religious method of the pre-people:

history channel documentary 2016 Subsequent to unraveling the Babylonian writings we started to listen: under the tutelage of Sumerians individuals in Mesopotamia were offering an explanation to the Anunnaki (and Bible verified it as Anakim). Anunnaki are offspring of their patriarch god Anu, portrayed differently in myths as humanoid and different structures. Babylonian tablets let us know that Anu's child "Enki" setting up himself in old Sumeria as the "master (en) of the earth (ki)", manager of the awesome force 'Me', as the present for development. The "Me" is the request out of mayhem, the considerable characteristics of progress, and the forces of the divine beings who guaranteed the continuation of human advancement. These uncommon forces permitted their image of awesome arrangement (gis-hur) to be executed on Earth. The "Me" were contained inside unique objects of incredible consecrated quality, for example, the illustrious position of royalty, the hallowed bed, the sanctuary drum, the staff, the crown, and other exceptional vestments or adornments to be worn, sat on, lied in, et cetera.

An arrangement called 'Enki and world request' has depicted how water god Enki moves around sorting out the world. Enki's most youthful child, Ningizzida, was Lord of the 'Tree of Truth'. The antiquated Mystery Scihool Teachings of Thoth were past down to his starts who turned into the ministers. The most antiquated dialect on the planet was known not starts from Atlantis to Maya to Egypt, India and China and so on. H.P. Blavatsky says that it is the dialect in which the most established book on the planet was composed and the tongue whence she interpreted the numerous volumes of Kiu-Ti and The Stanzas of Dyzan. They trust that widespread script may have been brought from Venus by the "Kumaras." It encapsulated in its characters the first circle, triangle, cross, tau, pentagram, swastika, and so forth. Specialists now have found a large portion of the Pagan columns called 'Runic stones' dialect of which we can't discover in ideograms, pictographs or in present day intriguing letter sets - this importance exists in sub-cognizance level. A few researchers have forewarned that the Akashic* records are kept in the astral by boss Anunnaki specialists, who frequently adjust, re-compose and mess with them to suit their motivations. The Anunnaki Elites have over and again re-began the dream of time from the Earth by utilizing the atu-waa. Numerous individuals who have discovered the Akashic records have been tricked by the Anunnaki double dealings.

Comprehension of Satan's beaten track requests reflecting to records of Pagan customs

history channel documentary 2016 Comprehension of Satan's beaten track requests reflecting to records of Pagan customs which genealogically acquire the riddles of former past. Intriguingly, practically every Pagan customs around the globe have discussed a comparative unlimited cycle of time that goes before the season of advanced human's (Insaan) entry and along these lines Adam (see'The Home of the Gods', p. 129 by Andrew Thomas). In India, the quantity of years alloted to an age (An 'Extraordinary Cycle' Mahayuga of astronomical time) is 4,320,000. The tenet of the World's Ages (from Hindu Yugas) was transported in into Pre-Columbian America; the Icelandic Poetic Edda and the Mexican succession are discovered indistinguishable with the Hindus. Chaldean cleric, Berossos (289 BC), reported that as indicated by Mesopotamian conviction 432,000 years slipped by between the delegated of the principal natural lord and the happening to the downpour. Along these lines key actuality remains that they were gotten from a typical source and customarily transmitted to various parts of the Old and New Worlds.

While the customs of divine beings and people won for endless centuries in both pre and post Flood universes - the traditional history could follow their underlying foundations from around 6000 BC in stream valley civic establishments of Euphrates-Tigris, Nile, Indus and Hoang-Ho waterways. Verifiable comprehension of remotely old legacies and their genealogical convictions started to come even later when composing was produced around 3000 BC taking after communications between Semitic Akkadians and obscure Sumerians, and the dialects of antiquated Near Eastern writings were deciphered. These composed reports are from post Flood world, since they came particularly with one regular legacy of 'Noah's Flood'. In the midst of the variegated legendary develops, religious philosophy in deciphered writings of Mesopotamia and Egypt has uncovered two distinct headings - one prominently towards broad Paganism with acquired traits of a Creator God. What's more, the other implicitly goes toward Abrahamic monotheism. Purpose behind such bifurcation is self-evident; what God uncovered to Prophet Abraham (around 2000 BC) - comparable religious statutes came before to mankind's first Prophet Adam and significantly prior through Messengers to pre-human Jinn races. Furthermore, in every times agnostic Jinns had tainted those to suit their motivations.

It is perceptible that Satan covers puzzles

history channel documentary 2016 It is perceptible that Satan covers puzzles of his Jinn tribe under different pictures and illusions of divine beings and goddesses. Such divine beings are not all-powerful or omniscient; rather, frequently they are found as identity people as a part of their identity qualities, failings and indecencies, however with extra heavenly powers and capacities. From all sides of the world viz. Mesopotamia, Egypt, China lands, Indian subcontinent, Native America, Africa and Europe and so on we hear endless myths of pre-human divine beings and goddesses - yet they were all established in the same source. Keeping in mind the end goal to observe Satan's Jinn tribe, we need to reflect upon the Bible said pre-people who ruled with fear, having sexual with ladies and creatures and offering ascend to anomalous descendants; these were different goliath "humanoid Titans" and others were half human half creature and so forth who needed to be the divine beings and goddesses on this planet.

The 'Book of Enoch' educated us about 'the watchers Jinns' (distorted as "fallen blessed messengers") whom God instructed to have watch over the people and monitor; they rather sold out God and chose to do however they wanted, into the desires and yearn for force that requested to be revered as equivalents of the Creator God. Consequently, God again mediated and completely expelled the principal harvest of the 'races of false divine beings' to the void, annihilated incredible numerous by the Noah's Flood, and from that point Biblical Prophetic legacy likewise needed to evacuate a lot of their follows by progressive religious wars. All these clarify how such abundant legendary 'divine beings and goddesses' of the antiquated past all of a sudden vanished from earth. In any case, God indicated benevolence to yet numerous Jinn races and persisted them to experience the Divine Trials alongside later human eras.


history channel documentary 2016 Scriptural translation gave a snake-like-monster meaning of Devil, and Satan being connected with Serpent could entice Adam and Eve. This puzzle has been expounded in the Gospel of Barnabas (chap, 40) which specified: in the wake of realizing that he will be expelled from paradise, fierce Satan 'gravitated toward to the entryway of heaven, whereat remained alert a terrible Serpent, which had legs like camel, and the nails of his feet cut like razor on each side. To him said the foe: "Endure me to go into heaven." The Serpent replied: "And in what manner should I endure thee to enter, God having directed me to drive thee out?" Satan replied: "Thou seest the amount God loveth thee, since He had set thee outside of heaven to keep watch over a piece of earth, which is man. Wherefore, if thou bring me into heaven I will make thee so loathsome that everybody should escape thee, thus at thy delight thou might go and remain." Then said the Serpent: "And in what capacity should I set thee inside?" Said Satan: "Thou workmanship incredible: in this way open thy mouth and I will go into thy gut, thus thou going into heaven shalt place me close to those chunk of mud that are recently strolling upon the earth." Then Serpent did as such, and set Satan close to Eve, for Adam, her significant other was resting. Satan introduced himself before the lady like a delightful holy messenger, and said to her... " ('The Gospel of Barnabas').

'Has there not been over man (Insaan) a drawn out stretch of time, when he was nothing - not by any means said? (Q, 76: 1);' Men venerated the Jinns and the vast majority of them had confidence in them' (Q, 34: 41); 'O you gathering of Jinns! Much toll did you take of men (Q, 6: 128) "Jinn" (Satan's race) was uncovered in the Qur'an more with respect to their "duplicities" as opposed to their physical viewpoints. In Hebrew, Satan was known as "nachash," signifying 'sorcerer', the whisperer, a name inferring mystery enchantments. At that point there is the utilization of the word 'boggled'. Since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden, one specific specialist has been the Jinn tribe of Iblis (in Qur'an) to degenerate the subsequent human races. This specialist (race-blender) entered the Garden and lured Eve. This race-blender was available on this planet before Adam; and humankind's first Prophet Adam was cautioned of his nearness. It was the seducer of Eve then and he is still our flirt today.

The notice of Satan in sacred writings is regularly observed

history channel documentary 2016 At that point God said to Adam: "O Adam! Verily this is a foe to thee and thy spouse: so let him not get you both out of the Garden, so that thou craftsmanship arrived in wretchedness... In any case, Satan whispered malevolence to him: he said "O Adam: might I lead thee to the Tree of Eternity and to a kingdom that never rots? In the outcome, they both ate of the Tree, thus their exposure appeared to them... Along these lines did Adam defy his Lord, and fell into mistake. Be that as it may, his Lord picked him for His beauty: He swung to him and gave him guidance."'We made not the sky and the earth and all between them however for just closures, and for a term selected: yet the individuals who reject Faith move in the opposite direction of that whereof they are cautioned' .

The notice of Satan in sacred writings is regularly observed to be connected with another office called "Serpent". The serpent/mythical beast images are plentiful in relics and structures of the antiquated world inebriated with extraordinary Paganism. Disclosure 12:9 and 20:2 both portrayed Satan as a serpent. "He grabbed the mythical beast, that old serpent, who is the fallen angel, or Satan, and headed him for a thousand years" (Revelation 20:2). "The immense mythical serpent was flung down-that antiquated serpent called the fiend, or Satan, who drives the entire world adrift. He was flung to the earth... " (Revelation 12:9). The 'Zohar', a part of the Jewish Kabbalah, says that the Serpent that enticed Eve was a kind of "flying camel"! The Qur'an additionally uncovers the serpentine fallen angel heads: 'For it is a tree that springs out of the base of hellfire fire; The shoots of its organic products stalks resemble the heads of Devil (ru'uusush-shayaatiin); Truly they will eat thereof and fill their guts therewith'(Qur'an, 37: 64-66).

Be that as it may, what is pre-mental gets to be mental

history channel documentary 2016 Be that as it may, what is pre-mental gets to be mental worry when it reflects as the standing substances of mankind's religion: 'Prophetic Truths originating from God' and "Misrepresentations" inching into occupy the right inquiries for necessities of causality; again Revelation comes to reestablish the truths in a fresher universality, and enemies reintroduce double dealing, uncertainty and incredulity into it (Qur'an, 22:52). In this progressing scene, the scopes of divaricated human decisions are completely uncovered - which satisfy the Divine procedure of screening between the 'related Souls' floating towards God, and the 'irritated Souls' social event in Satan's shade. In this way Satan likewise has an unmistakable part to play in Divine Trial of humanity, whereby God isolates the "tainted" from the 'unadulterated', put the "polluted" each other keeping in mind the end goal to cast them into Hell (Qur'an, 8:37). All individuals from creation are appointed to be of administration (Saqqara) to God and in this way subservient to His Command in one way or the other.

How and when did Satan emerge in 'God's Revelation'? As we swing to God's creation, there was no Satan at the outset; in the later period of creation when God chose to make Adam and mankind (Insaan), just at this point the pioneer of Jinn tribe, Iblis defied God's charge and vowed to degenerate God's Path - which God allowed however for a delegated time. What's more, after he lured Adam and Eve in the Garden, God called him as Satan (Qur'an 20:120). From that point, in connection to humanity's issues on earth - Satan transformed into an absolute opposite of Creator God. "Satan" suggests ingrained adversary - basically to God and Prophets, optionally to men; it is additionally similar to "Fallen angel" implying 'slanderer of God to men and of men to God'.

God's motivation of creation is verifiable by the things

history channel documentary 2016 God's motivation of creation is verifiable by the things which God has made. Keeping in mind the end goal to incline toward Truths behind our presence, human enquiry requests consideration into "significance of God's Words" that surpasses the slender furthest reaches of human learning. God guides humankind with the 'root thoughts' - so that appropriate spirits of human enquiry may continue toward Truth.Human living sways between repetitive cycles of Prophetic Truth and its Pagan foreswearing since remote vestige of religion's history. From progressive Revelations of God (Judeo-Christianity to Islam) adherents imagine that: God is the supraliminal Light from where the manifestations continue. He administers due measure of flexibility to the villain of Darkness (Satan) to mindful humanity about the alternate extremes of "genuine" (that might exist) and "unbelievable" (should not exist). As it were: 'genuine; remains for the controlling Light of God (His messages) gets through His picked Prophets of humankind; and "stunning" for the spells of Satan that oppose this Light by contributing "lies" to vie for the presence of Truth'.

Thus, human personalities have been jumbled in old times by Polytheistic thoughts of agnostic god-hoods and from that point different calculated plans of Monism, Pantheism, Smartism, Gnosticism, Agnosticism and Atheism and so on in cutting edge times. Since God permitted common flexibility for a period - it was feasible for human fancies to risk plotting and arranging against God's Message (Qur'an, 15:42). The "foes" of God dispose of the particular 'Thought of God' (Who uncovers His Will) and create obscure speculation of it with the goal that they can fit into it anything they like. Once the 'thought of God' is set upon the wrong ground - reasonable clutters run wild in the types of dubious myths, otherworldliness, philosophical deliberations and untoward lessons - which "enemies" attempt to go off as 'autonomous method for man'. Are these methods of denying 'God's Revelation' truly 'autonomous'? Truly man is never "free" - rather, a basically 'subordinate animal' on both physical plane (on nourishment, cover and so on) and mental plane (on thoughts obtained from different sources). In the event that somebody is lax of the root thoughts of God's disclosures to progressive Prophets, clearly he/she relies on upon ideas beginning from another root. Presently, both birthplaces of 'religious truth from God' and 'its dissent by Satan' - are the pre-mental religious indicates.